MIddle School Boys Devo #1

Middle School Guys Devo #1
Hey Guys! I hope and pray you are all doing well! I have missed meeting with you guys for youth group and Bible study, and I especially miss throwing dodge balls at all of you.  During this time while we are apart, I still want us to be able to learn and grow and connect together even if we can’t physically be together. So, I will be putting short devotions on the youth Google classroom each Tues and Thurs mornings. Also, be on the lookout from your parents as I will be contacting them in the coming days to try and set up a phone call or video chat with y’all so I can catch up with you! I love you guys and I’m excited for when we can be together again (and I can pelt you with a dodge ball 😊)

Tuesday March 24, 2020
Read through Psalm 46
Hymns for this week: "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" by Martin Luther & "Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts)" by Shane & Shane
Throughout my life, when hard times have come, this Psalm has been a great comfort to me! As life has seemingly been turned upside down over this last week or so I have been getting stressed and even a little anxious. All of these plans I had made were all of a sudden cancelled. My seminary classes all got moved online, and even the NBA and March Madness games (which I was so excited to watch) were cancelled. As everything started to change, I began to get more and more nervous. But then I was reminded of this Psalm that I first  remember learning from a camp I went to when I was in middle school. A few things I want you guys to think about as you read through this:
1)This Psalm is  a great reminder during all the craziness going on that the almighty, infinite God that created the universe is with us. We know that part of God’s nature is His omnipresence. That’s just a fancy way of saying that God is with ALL of us during EVERYTHING
2) During every time of our lives, God is there with us. This is such a great reminder that during hard and anxious times, we can turn to Him for comfort and peace. During good times we can turn to Him in praise and thanksgiving. During boring times (which are probably going to come as we are stuck in our homes) God is still with!
So, as you adjust to this new season of no sports, cancelled plans, missing friends, and maybe even some anxiety, turn back to this Psalm and read through it, pray through it, and maybe even memorize it.

In Christ,

Billy Pierce


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