Girls' Devotions #5
April 7, 2020
Read Psalm 24
When we reflect this week on Jesus Christ's last week of earthly ministry, it is so important for us to stop and really think of who our God is. This Psalm reveals many interesting points, and I wanted to focus on how God has always planned to dwell and live with His covenant people. All of the Old Testament is focused on a God who dwells with His chosen, but the "where" He dwells is important to remember. Here in this passage, the Psalmist highlights that only those who were clean and pure could "ascend the hill of Lord." Think about that. We live on this side of the cross and ascension. We have been given access through the death of Christ, God with us. We need Good Friday; we need Easter; we need Pentecost. I could not on my own ascend the hill to the Lord, I needed Jesus to make the way through his atoning death. Praise the one who paid my debt!
1) Because this Psalm is written in the time of the Ark being where God dwelled, how are we the same as the Israelites in our approach to God and how are there differences?
2)God dwelt with the Israelites through his presence in the tabernacle. How did God dwell with regards to Jesus? Read Colossians 1:19, 2:9. How does He dwell now?
3) Re-read the Psalm again. Write down specific attributes that are given to God (i.e. verse 1: He is the creator of all)
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