Middle School Boys Devo #4
Read Psalm 51
Hymn for this week: "God Be Merciful To Me" & "Create In Me A Clean Heart" by Keith Green
Have you ever done something bad, or messed up, or sinned in any way that made you feel guilty? I think we all have. The Psalm we are looking at today is a time when King David also felt the guilt of his sin. We know that David was a great king and was a "man after God's own heart" (Acts 13:22), but we also know that he was a sinner, just like we are. When Nathan the Prophet went to confront David about his affair with Bathsheba, David was filled with the guilt of his sin, and wrote this psalm. In it, David asks God for forgiveness, confesses his sin, and asks for the Holy Spirit to renew and transform him.
Sometimes when we sin we can feel so guilty and ashamed we think there is no way God could forgive us, or even love us anymore; some of you may feel that way now. Other times we might not feel any guilt for our sin, and think it isn't really that big of a deal. This psalm shows us how both of these ways of thinking are wrong. No matter how big our sin or how guilty and ashamed we may feel, we are never outside the forgiveness of God, and His love for us will never change! However, while our sin will never cause God to love us less, our sin is still a big deal. Our sin is the reason Jesus had to die on the cross, and it is our sin that forever separates us from God if we do not have faith in Jesus as our savior and Lord. In fact, not feeling any guilt from our sin can be a scary place to be. The more we give ourselves to sin, the more numb we become to it and the easier it is to think that our sin isn't a big deal.
So, as you read through and study Psalm 51 I want you guys to think about and pray these things like King David did:
Billy Pierce
Read Psalm 51
Hymn for this week: "God Be Merciful To Me" & "Create In Me A Clean Heart" by Keith Green
Have you ever done something bad, or messed up, or sinned in any way that made you feel guilty? I think we all have. The Psalm we are looking at today is a time when King David also felt the guilt of his sin. We know that David was a great king and was a "man after God's own heart" (Acts 13:22), but we also know that he was a sinner, just like we are. When Nathan the Prophet went to confront David about his affair with Bathsheba, David was filled with the guilt of his sin, and wrote this psalm. In it, David asks God for forgiveness, confesses his sin, and asks for the Holy Spirit to renew and transform him.
Sometimes when we sin we can feel so guilty and ashamed we think there is no way God could forgive us, or even love us anymore; some of you may feel that way now. Other times we might not feel any guilt for our sin, and think it isn't really that big of a deal. This psalm shows us how both of these ways of thinking are wrong. No matter how big our sin or how guilty and ashamed we may feel, we are never outside the forgiveness of God, and His love for us will never change! However, while our sin will never cause God to love us less, our sin is still a big deal. Our sin is the reason Jesus had to die on the cross, and it is our sin that forever separates us from God if we do not have faith in Jesus as our savior and Lord. In fact, not feeling any guilt from our sin can be a scary place to be. The more we give ourselves to sin, the more numb we become to it and the easier it is to think that our sin isn't a big deal.
So, as you read through and study Psalm 51 I want you guys to think about and pray these things like King David did:
- Praise God for who He is and thank Him for His great love and mercy towards
- v.1 "...according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy."
- Confess your sins to God
- v.3 " For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you , you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight."
- Ask for forgiveness
- v.1 "Have mercy on me, O God...blot out my transgressions...cleanse me from my sin!"
- Finally, ask the Holy Spirit to sanctify us (make us more like Jesus) and show us just how much we need a savior.
- v.10 - 12 "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me...restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit."
Billy Pierce
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