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Girls' Devo #8

April 16, 2020 Read Psalm 47 I was thinking today about celebrations at this time in our lives. Although we may struggle to see it, there is a lot to celebrate in being one of God's own children. This Psalm is a hymn of praise and celebration of God's care and defense of His people. Yesterday I had a rough day and really just felt the sadness and grief of losing what we normally have going on during this time of year. It is still hard sometimes to adjust! Oh how badly I need to hear these words of verses 8 and 9, "God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne... For the shields of the earth belong to God; he is highly exalted." 1) Verses 1 through 4 talk about the fear of God. Is fear of God a good thing? Compare the fear of God with other fears. 2) We are given the command to sing praises to God. Why can you sing praises to God today? 3) What comfort comes from knowing that God is seated and reigning over everything? Think about how you defend yo...

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